Saint Joseph’s Chapel

The OES visited Saint Joseph’s Chapel on July 30, 2003. The chapel, also known as Mother of Sorrows Chapel, is located near the front of the large Catholic Saint Joseph’s Cemetery between Shadeville and Lockbourne in Franklin County. The cemetery was established in 1912, and the chapel was built in the 1920s. Although the chapel looks small from the outside, it was surprisingly large when we walked into the sanctuary. Upon entering the chapel, we felt like we were transported back in time. The stained-glass windows were beautiful, along with the masonry and carpentry. There was a musty scent in the chapel that combined with the smell of burning candles. There was a small balcony at the rear of the chapel, along with a confessional and a set of restrooms. On either side of the stage were doors that led to a back room used for storage. We believe that a priest may be entombed beneath the chapel’s floor due to a nameplate on the floor. If you decide to check out the chapel, as with any site, please be respectful.

Location Information: Active Place of Worship

Saint Joseph’s Chapel is located off US Route 23, south of Shadeville near Lockbourne; Franklin County.
