Mooney’s Mansion

The OES visited the area of Mooney’s Mansion in September 2005 and January 2007. The mansion sits high on a ridge along Walhalla Road in Clintonville, a neighborhood in north Columbus. What makes this home different from the neighboring homes is the legend that surrounds it. Mooney’s Mansion was built in 1913, predating most of the other homes in the area. The legend takes place in the 1950s, when a husband supposedly killed his wife in the home. One variation of the story states that the man murdered his wife and daughter with an axe and may have even committed suicide. Yet another variation says the man hanged the bodies from the Calumet Street bridge. In any case, the legend states that blue lights can sometimes be seen through the windows, floating around inside the house. Reports say if you go under the bridge on Walhalla Road at night, you can see the reflection of the wife and daughter in the water to the right of the road.

We did not experience anything out of the ordinary when we visited the area. We do know that the home was owned by the Mooney’s from at least 1944 until 1961. The home was bought by the current owners in 1973. We have not been able to find any records of a murder actually occurring on the property through public records. We have also been contacted by folks who lived in the area during the timeframe of the supposed murders, and they do not recall any murders on the property. The mansion did sit vacant for some time, so perhaps that led to the legends surrounding the home. After all, who doesn’t like an abandoned, creepy-looking house? If you have any additional information about Mooney’s Mansion, please email

Please respect the privacy of the current owners and observe Mooney’s Mansion from afar.

Location Information: Private Residence

Mooney’s Mansion is located in the 200 block of Walhalla Road in Columbus; Franklin County.
