
On this page, you will find all of the structures visited by the Ohio Exploration Society, arranged alphabetically by county. We still have many structures to be uploaded, so make sure to follow us on our social media accounts to be notified whenever we update the site. Remember, we do not condone trespassing at any of these locations. Always seek permission before entering any private property. If you have photos of a structure that you would like to share, please submit them to, and we may post them with credit given to you. If you would like to suggest a place for us to explore, please use the Exploration Submission Form, and we’ll do our best to check it out.

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AthensRidgesThumb Athens Ridges EVPLogo
Athens County
This former insane asylum in Athens is now owned by Ohio University.
KingsHollowTunnelThumb Kings Hollow Tunnel 360
Athens County
An abandoned train tunnel made of timbers near the small town of Mineral.
NelsonvilleBrickPlantThumb Nelsonville Brick Plant
Athens County
This abandoned brick plant that ceased operation in the 1940s is now a park.
GlencoeTunnelThumb Glencoe Tunnel
Belmont County
An abandoned railroad tunnel near the small village of Glencoe.
CliftonSchoolThumb Clifton School
Clark County
This former school building served the once-bustling stagecoach town of Clifton.
PPMastCastleThumb P.P. Mast Castle
Clark County
The former residence of P.P. Mast and his family in Springfield was most recently a nursing home.
CoshoctonHouseThumb Coshocton House
Coshocton County
A dilapidated house down a dirt road in the middle of nowhere in Coshocton County.
NorthRobinsonSchoolThumb North Robinson Consolidated School 360
Crawford County
Built in 1921, this building last served as the Colonel Crawford Intermediate School before closing in 2006.
WhetstoneSchoolThumb Whetstone Township School #7
Crawford County
Built in 1882, this was Whetstone Township’s seventh district schoolhouse.
PerkinsObservatoryThumb Perkins Observatory
Delaware County
When completed in 1931, the Perkin Observatory housed the third largest telescope in the world.
OrangeRoadBridgeThumb Orange Road Bridge
Delaware County
Built in 1898, this historic Pratt through truss steel bridge spans the Olentangy River.
Route23DelawareHouseThumb Route 23 Delaware House
Delaware County
An abandoned home that once stood along US Route 23 in Delaware County.
FairfieldCountyPoorhouseThumb Fairfield County Poorhouse EVPLogo Video
Fairfield County
Built in 1840 and expanded several times, the old infirmary later served as the county department of health.
HartmanBridgeThumb Hartman Bridge 360
Fairfield County
Built in 1888, this covered bridge now stands in Lockville Park.
LoucksBridgeThumb Loucks Bridge
Fairfield County
Only remnants remain of this covered bridge, built sometime between 1850-1874.
Violet Township Fire Station 591
Fairfield County
Built in 1954, the township’s 62-year-old firehouse was demolished to make way for a modern facility.
BTMetalsThumb B&T Metals Video
Franklin County
Established in the 1930s, B&T Metals extruded uranium for the Manhattan Project in 1943.
BaldwinTowerThumb Baldwin Tower Video
Franklin County
Grant Hospital’s Baldwin Tower was located in downtown Columbus and imploded in 2004.
BerlinerPumpingStationThumb Berliner Pumping Station EVPLogo
Franklin County
An abandoned sewage pumping station on the edge of Berliner Park in Columbus.
BloodBowlGatesOfHellThumb Blood Bowl / Gates of Hell
Franklin County
This drainage tunnel that runs beneath High Street is an underground Columbus landmark.
BroadwinApartmentsThumb Broadwin Apartments
Franklin County
Built in 1925, this once-luxurious apartment building may soon be renovated as condominiums.
ConcordMethodistChurchThumb Concord Methodist Church
Franklin County
This church, now an animal hospital, is at the corner of Hoover Road and State Route 665.
CooperStadiumThumb Cooper Stadium Video 360
Franklin County
Opened in 1932, Cooper Stadium was the home of several sports teams, including the Columbus Clippers.
CSXTowerThumb CSX / Norfolk Southern Tower
Franklin County
This abandoned railroad watchman tower near downtown Columbus has been razed.
DillFarmhouseThumb Dill Farmhouse
Franklin County
Built around 1900, this farmhouse in Hamilton Township has been demolished.
ElevatorBreweryThumb Elevator Brewery & Draught Haus
Franklin County
Originally named Bott Brothers and later as The Clock, it is one of the oldest bars in Columbus.
FranklintonPostOfficeThumb Franklinton Post Office
Franklin County
Built in 1807 by David Deardurff, this was the Columbus area’s first post office.
GrandviewTheatreThumb Grandview Theatre
Franklin County
Opened in 1926, the Grandview Theatre is the oldest, purpose-built movie theater still in use in Columbus.
GreenLawnAbbeyThumb Green Lawn Abbey EVPLogo 360
Franklin County
Built in 1927, the Green Lawn Abbey is the final resting place of hundreds, including Thurston the Magician.
GriggsDamTenderHouseThumb Griggs Dam-Tender’s House
Franklin County
Built in 1816, this old dam-tender’s home in Columbus is waiting to be renovated.
GroveportLogHouseThumb Groveport Log House
Franklin County
Built in 1815, this log home was moved to its current location when Groveport’s new post office was built.
GroveportRoadHouseThumb Groveport Road House
Franklin County
Built in 1922, this home was on Groveport Road across from Gobel Drive near Obetz.
HamiltonTwpPDThumb Hamilton Township Police Department
Franklin County
This small building, now used for storage, once housed the township’s police department.
HarrisonHouseThumb Harrison House
Franklin County
Built in 1807, this home is believed to have been used by the Army during the War of 1812.
HaydenMausoleumThumb Hayden Mausoleum Video
Franklin County
The final resting place of C.H. Hayden in Green Lawn Cemetery.
HuntingtonMausoleumThumb Huntington Chapel EVPLogo 360
Franklin County
This is the main chapel and mausoleum of Green Lawn Cemetery.
LockbourneBrickHouseThumb Lockbourne Brick House 360
Franklin County
Built in 1900, this large brick home on the outskirts of Lockbourne has been renovated.
MooneysMansionThumb Mooney’s Mansion
Franklin County
Built in 1913, a mysterious legend surrounds this Clintonville home.
OhioNationalBankThumb Ohio National Bank 360
Franklin County
Built in 1911, this iconic bank in downtown Columbus served the community for 88 years.
ParsonsSchoolThumb Parsons School 360
Franklin County
Built in 1960, this elementary school has been razed and replaced with a new building.
PoindexterTowerThumb Poindexter Tower
Franklin County
Built in 1960, Poindexter Tower was one of the nation’s first public housing projects.
RohrRoadHouseThumb Rohr Road House
Franklin County
Built in the mid-late 1800s, this home featured a balcony porch. Sadly, the home was lost to an arsonist.
SaintJosephsChapelThumb Saint Joseph’s Chapel
Franklin County
This chapel, also known as Mother of Sorrows Chapel, is still used for services and funerals.
SciotoTrailPoolThumb Scioto Trail Pool
Franklin County
A beloved swimming pool that was built in 1960 on South High Street.
SullivantLandOfficeThumb Sullivant Land Office
Franklin County
This small building was used as Lucas Sullivant’s land office during the early days of Columbus.
SunsetCrematoryThumb Sunset Crematory
Franklin County
This large structure located in Sunset Cemetery served as a crematory.
SwisherBrickHouseThumb Swisher Brick House
Franklin County
Built in the early 1800s, this home had been condemned before being demolished.
MedicalBuildingThumb Town Street Medical Building
Franklin County
Lots of equipment, medical supplies, and pharmaceuticals were left in this abandoned medical facility. 
TrashBurningPowerPlantThumb Trash Burning Power Plant Video
Franklin County
Opened in 1983, the defunct trash-burning power plant of South Columbus has been destroyed.
WesleyChapelThumb Wesley Chapel
Franklin County
This chapel, located in the Wesley Chapel Cemetery, has three construction dates.
Whitehall Lustron Home 
Franklin County
Originally built in 1949 and rebuilt in 2005, this Lustron home now serves the Whitehall Historical Society.
WrightRoadHouseThumb Wright Road House
Franklin County
Built in 1920, this abandoned farmhouse is facing certain demolition.
GreendaleBrickPlantThumb Greendale Brick Plant
Hocking County
This abandoned brick plant has nearly been destroyed by the elements of time and nature.
GreendaleSchoolThumb Greendale School
Hocking County
An abandoned schoolhouse that once served the small town of Greendale.
HaydenvilleHouseThumb Haydenville House
Hocking County
This small home in the town of Haydenville is being renovated into the town’s museum.
HaydenvilleTunnelThumb Haydenville Tunnel EVPLogo 360
Hocking County
This clay transportation tunnel was abandoned in the 1950s and is believed to be haunted.
PostonsFarmhouseThumb Poston Farmhouse
Hocking County
This old farmhouse just outside of Haydenville was supposedly built atop an Indian Mound.
ShawneeLookoutTowerThumb Shawnee Lookout Tower 360
Hocking County
Built in 1939, this tower was open to the public for anyone to climb, but has been closed due to damage.
ToledoWorkhouseThumb Toledo House of Corrections Video
Lucas County
Operated from 1918 to 1991, the Toledo Workhouse became part of the Blue Creek Preservation Area.
PaintCreekSchoolhouseThumb Paint Creek Schoolhouse
Madison County
The lesser-known old schoolhouse along Selsor Moon Road.
PancakeSchoolhouseThumb Pancake Schoolhouse Video
Madison County
Also known as the Selsor-Moon School, this abandoned schoolhouse is said to be haunted.
HardingMemorialThumb Harding Memorial
Marion County
The final resting place of Warren G. Harding, the 29th President of the United States.
PalmerRoadBridgeThumb Palmer Road Crybaby Bridge EVPLogo
Mercer County
This bridge over St. Mary’s River may be Ohio’s genuine crybaby bridge.
siestamotelthumb Siesta Motel
Muskingum County
Built in 1952, this old motel along US 40 is reportedly haunted by a man who was killed there.
JunctionCityPrisonThumb Junction City Prison Video
Perry County
This abandoned prison was used for the filming of the 1980 movie “Brubaker.”
BlackburnBridgeThumb Blackburn Bridge 360
Pickaway County
Originally built in 1855, this covered bridge has been restored at Slate Run Park.
MMCritesOctagonHouseThumb M.M. Crites Octagon House
Pickaway County
Built in 1855-56, this house near Circleville is laid out in the shape of an octagon.
SciotoTwpD2SchoolThumb Scioto Township District 2 School
Pickaway County
Built in 1888, this schoolhouse appears to be very well preserved.
ConcordChurchThumb Concord Church
Preble County
Founded in 1840, this church in rural Preble County is still in use.
DixonIsraelMiddleSchoolThumb Dixon-Israel Middle School
Preble County
This school was in use during our visit, but has since been demolished.
RobertsBridgeThumb Roberts Bridge
Preble County
Built in 1829, Roberts Bridge is Ohio’s oldest covered bridge.
OhioStateReformatoryThumb Ohio State Reformatory
Richland County
This abandoned prison has been featured in several movies and is notoriously haunted.
SalemEvangelicalLutheranChurchThumb Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church
Richland County
Built in 1860, this abandoned place of worship sits off a gravel road in Jefferson Township.
MajesticTheatreThumb Majestic Theatre EVPLogo
Ross County
This theatre was used as a temporary morgue during World War I.
MeggenhoffenWineryTunnelThumb Meggenhofen Winery Tunnel
Ross County
Built in 1850, these tunnels on a Chillicothe hillside were used to store wine.
SchraderRoadTunnelThumb Schrader Road Tunnel
Ross County
Built in 1927, Schrader Road Tunnel is supposedly haunted by several spirits.
DoctorsHospitalStarkThumb Doctors Hospital of Stark County EVPLogo Video
Stark County
Formed in 1963, the hospital closed in 2008 after a merger. The building was demolished in 2019.
EdwinShawHospitalThumb Edwin Shaw Hospital
Summit County
This former tuberculosis hospital served as a rehab center and is said to be haunted.
CoxCoveredBridgeThumb Cox Covered Bridge
Vinton County
Built in 1884, this Queenpost truss bridge is the shortest covered bridge in the county.
HopeFurnaceThumb Hope Furnace EVPLogo
Vinton County
An abandoned iron furnace near Lake Hope that is supposedly haunted by a night watchman.
MoonvilleTunnelThumb Moonville Tunnel EVPLogo Video 360 StoryPad
Vinton County
An abandoned and haunted railroad tunnel located deep inside the Zaleski Sate Forest.
PonnHumpbackBridgeThumb Ponn Humpback Bridge
Vinton County
Built in 1874, this unique covered bridge stood for nearly 140 years before being destroyed by an arsonist.

Out Of State Structures

hhirearrangelighthousethumb Rear-Range Lighthouse
South Carolina
This historic lighthouse on Hilton Head Island is said to be haunted by the “Blue Lady.”
LakinSchoolThumb Lakin Industrial School Video
West Virginia
Built in 1924, this building was a juvenile jail for African-Americans. It has since been demolished.