OES Shop

For over 20 years, the Ohio Exploration Society website has provided a place for our visitors to enjoy Ohio’s forgotten and historic sites. By purchasing merchandise or making a donation below, you will be assisting the OES with our web-hosting fees, travel costs, equipment improvements, and website maintenance. The Gear Shop, powered by the convenience and security of Amazon.com, features items that we recommend for your urban exploration or paranormal investigation needs. There are several choices in clothing stores, each with their own logos and styles. If you simply wish to give a donation, scan or click the Cash App link below to send your contribution. If you wish to send a check or donate via Google Pay, please email jason@ohioexploration.com for details. For more information about the Ohio Exploration Society, please visit the Ohio Exploration Society FAQs page. Thank you for your consideration and support.

You may also donate BitCoin at the following address: 14g3rbVgs2sfTuBFS2hNNUA8Hg3roMXkEj

Online Stores

OESOhioThumb OES Ohio Logo Store
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This shop features merchandise with bold-lettered “OES” within the state of Ohio.
OESRoundThumb Round Logo Store
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This shop features our roundel logo and slogan.
OESAthleticsThumb Athletics Logo Store
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This shop features our extremely popular athletics logo on a wide variety of merchandise.
OESInvestigatorThumb Paranormal Investigator Store
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This shop features clothing for the paranormal investigator.
OESMedievalThumb Medieval Logo Store
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Grab some merchandise from this store before heading to the Renaissance Festival.
OESGotGhostsThumb Got Ghosts? Store
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This shop features our “got ghosts?” logo and/or the alternate “Ohio has ghosts!” logo.
OESWomensThumb Women’s Logo Store
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This shop features an OES logo with a more feminine appeal.
OESExploreOhioThumb Explore Ohio Store
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This shop features merchandise with our “Explore Ohio” logo.
OES Gear Shop
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A one stop shop for your urban exploration and paranormal investigation needs.