The Spillway – Contribution

04/01/2006: Thanks to the anonymous contributor for contacting us about this haunting. While he and his family were visiting the spillway in Andover, he witnessed the ghostly face of a girl beneath the water. He has since had recurring dreams of the girl, who’s name is Rebecca. If you have experienced anything similar while visiting the spillway, please email and tell us about it.

My family and I were at the spillway two years ago [2004] and my mother brought her camera. As my brother was throwing bread to the fish, I almost screamed when I saw a little girl’s face looking up at me from beneath the surface of the water. I asked my mom if she saw it and she said she didn’t, that I’d probably seen the reflection of the girl with the people beside us. The thing was, I had seen it while the girl was away from the edge. I saw it again and asked for my mother’s camera and snapped a picture. When we got the pictures developed, the picture showed the fish, the water, and what appeared to be long locks of blonde hair. I have always been creeped out by this and now I hate going to the spillway. My mother has to practically pay me to get me to accompany her because she still likes to go.

I have dreams about this girl every once in a while and they are always recurring dreams. She is always under water, I can see the fish slapping all over her face and bread clinging to her beautiful hair. In the dream I feel a painful sense of frustration. Through tears I ask her what her name is. She tried to answer, but being underwater, the reply comes back as bubbles. I ask her again and she raises her lips to the surface and answers. The noise of the birds and fish cover her answer. I ask her to be louder and she yells, “Rebecca! Rebecca! My name’s Rebecca!” I must also mention that in the dream, I see her whole torso and it is naked. When I was at the spillway that day, the girl’s face was the only thing visible.