Contributed Stories

On this page you will find first-hand accounts of paranormal activity witnessed by visitors of the OES website, arranged alphabetically by county. We are always looking for more of your stories to add to this page. If you would like to share a story of the supernatural that you experienced, please visit our Haunting Submission Form to send it to us, just make sure to select personal experience instead of haunting index. Also choose whether you would like to include your name with your story or if you would like to remain anonymous. Please email any photos, video, EVP recordings or other evidence that accompany your story to

NewStarSmall New posting    EVPLogo EVP Recording    Video Video    ContributedPhoto Photograph

HomesOnWashingtonThumb Homes On Washington
Allen County
An anonymous contributor shares a plethora of strange activities that took place at the family’s home.
TheSpillwayThumb The Spillway
Ashtabula County
An anonymous visitor went to the spillway with his family and witnessed a ghostly face in the water.
BrownRdHouseThumb Brown Road House
Auglaize County
An anonymous contributor describes his encounter with the paranormal while visiting the property late one night.
EgyptValleyCreatureThumb Egypt Valley Creature
Belmont County
Michelle Fulton shares her encounter with a horrid-sounding creature during the mid-1980s.
BunkerHillThumb Bunker Hill Universalist Pioneer Cemetery
Butler County
An eyewitness reports hearing whispers while alone in the cemetery and may have an apparition photo.
DaveFinkelmanAuditoriumThumb Dave Finkelman Auditorium
Butler County
A former worker at the auditorium shares first-hand experiences with the ghost there.
MilfordRoadThumb Milford Road
Butler County
Multiple eyewitnesses share their strange experiences at this notoriously haunted road.
LonesomeRoadThumb Lonesome Road
Champaign County
Several adventure-seekers were chased from the woods by a shadowy figure with glowing red eyes.
EastForkCemeteryThumb East Fork Cemetery
Clermont County
Sumner Hobart heard a woman yell and witnessed a strange white cloud form at the cemetery.
MysteriousWebcamThumb Mysterious Webcam Video Video
Clermont County
Billy Whited of Batavia submitted these strange videos set to only record on motion.
SouthBroadwaySallyThumb South Broadway Sally
Clermont County
Susan shares the strange things that she experienced while living in the turn-of-the-century home.
OuijaBoardThumb Woodgate Road Ouija
Clermont County
Carrie Arnett and her friends experienced strange things after using an Ouija board.
BowmanCemeteryThumb Bowman Cemetery
Columbiana County
An anonymous contributor shares a story about the “Bumper Man” of Bowman Cemetery.
ColumbiaStreetHouseThumb Columbia Street House
Columbiana County
A former resident of the house witnessed the apparition of an older gentleman several times.
PrettyBoyFloydThumb Pretty Boy Floyd EVPLogo
Columbiana County
An EVP recorded by the Elite Chasers of Transparent Ohio at the site of Pretty Boy Floyd’s death.
ArtAttackThumb Art Attack
Cuyahoga County
Ricky’s art gallery was haunted, in part by a man who had died years prior at his aunt’s business.
WaterStreetResidenceThumb Water Street Residence
Darke County
An anonymous contributor’s home seemed normal until the arrival of their new baby.
WoodensRoadResidenceThumb Woodens Road Residence
Darke County
The apparition of a woman dressed in Civil War era clothing has been seen at this former schoolhouse.
SherwoodTracksThumb Sherwood Tracks
Defiance County
A young boy in 1930s attire disappears after seemingly being hit by an oncoming train.
SandHillThumb Sand Hill
Erie County
An anonymous contributor sent us this legend of an Indian massacre and British soldiers burned at the stake.
EastKingStreetResidenceThumb East King Street Residence
Fairfield County
Former resident Matt Stilwell stated this house seemed to be haunted by three spirits.
ForestRoseCemeteryThumb Forest Rose Cemetery
Fairfield County
Heather Howard shares a ghostly sighting at the cemetery in the middle of the day.
Harmon Road Haunt
Fairfield County
A man wearing a white hoodie has been seen walking along the road, only to vanish after passing him.
RamarAcresThumb Ramar Acres
Fairfield County
An anonymous contributor shares her strange accounts while living in Pickerington’s Ramar Acres subdivision.
CampChaseCemeteryThumb Camp Chase Confederate Cemetery
Franklin County
An anonymous contributor shares his experience late one night at the cemetery.
BuckeyeSteelThumb Columbus Steel Castings
Franklin County
Formerly called Buckeye Steel, the site has been the scene of many fatal accidents and is very haunted.
GahannaLincolnHighSchoolThumb Gahanna Lincoln High School
Franklin County
Multiple witnesses have seen or heard the ghost of a boy who drowned in the basement pool.
GhostInTheWindowThumb Ghost In The Window ContributedPhoto
Franklin County
Abe and Jamie submitted this photo of what appeared to be a ghost in their bedroom window.
Maple Drive House
Franklin County
Tenants have witnessed shadowy figures and have heard heavy footsteps upstairs.
Mount Carmel East Hospital
Franklin County
Employees in the hospital’s pharmacy have seen the same ghostly figure.
OhioPenitentiaryThumb Ohio Penitentiary
Franklin County
Michelle Katka and JG share their stories about the Ohio Penitentiary.
OhioStatehouseThumb Ohio Statehouse
Franklin County
Dana Morrow and a few others witnessed a ghostly man and woman dancing in the Senate chambers.
RobertsRdFarmhouseThumb Roberts Road Farmhouse
Franklin County
Steven Rosenthal wrote about seeing a strange light and hearing footsteps at this abandoned farmhouse.
VillasAtEdenWhitehallThumb Villas At Eden of Whitehall
Franklin County
Formerly called English Village, residents of this apartment complex experience strange things.
BethelCemeteryThumb Bethel Cemetery
Gallia County
An anonymous visitor described witnessing a mysterious black wraith in the cemetery just before disaster struck.
WilliamsHollowRoadThumb Williams Hollow Road
Gallia County
Residents of Williams Hollow Road report seeing shadowy figures, hearing a little girl hum, and the sounds of a phantom car.
TrebeinRoadThumb Trebein Road
Greene County
Amber and her father witnessed a ghostly bride who was killed on her wedding day.
BridgetownRoadThumb Bridgetown Road
Hamilton County
An anonymous visitor shares his story of seeing a mysterious young man along Bridgetown Road.
LickRoadThumb Lick Road
Hamilton County
Quite a few visitors share their stories of the supernatural experiences at this popular road.
NorwoodMiddleSchoolThumb Norwood Middle School
Hamilton County
Amanda Blakeman told of her personal paranormal experiences at this middle school.
RapidRunParkThumb Rapid Run Park
Hamilton County
An anonymous visitor wrote in about the various spirits that haunt this Cincinnati park.
SchoolOfCreativePerformingArtsThumb School of Creative & Performing Arts ContributedPhoto
Hamilton County
Patricia Gunn of Cincinnati took this photo of a possible vortex.
NashvilleCemeteryThumb1 Nashville Cemetery
Holmes County
Elaine heard a thunderous sound while planting flowers and her daughter spoke to an unseen girl.
NashvilleElementaryThumb Nashville Elementary
Holmes County
Jacob tells of seeing two mysterious creatures and hearing a strange noise on the school grounds.
CollegeHallThumb College Hall – Lake Erie College ContributedPhoto
Lake County
An eerie image appeared in a window in this photo sent in by Julie and her boyfriend Dave.
MorleyMusicHallThumb Morley Music Hall Video
Lake County
Julie submitted this video of what appeared to be a vortex opening in the balcony of this music hall.
OrchardRoadResidenceThumb Orchard Road Residence
Lake County
The former owner of this home tells of encountering a ghostly boy there.
DanaOrbPhotoThumb Orb Photograph ContributedPhoto
Licking County
Dana submitted a photo of what may be a genuine orb…not dust particles.
FieldsCemeteryThumb Fields Cemetery EVPLogo
Lorain County
Peg Leg Paranormal sent in some EVP recordings he obtained while visiting the cemetery.
BaylanHouseThumb Baylan House
Lucas County
Kristina shared this story about several people who have witnessed a ghostly boy at the home.
ClubBijouThumb Club Bijou
Lucas County
Chad submitted an odd experience he had at Club Bijou in Toledo.
BeloitHouseThumb Beloit House
Mahoning County
An anonymous visitor tells of a haunted house in Beloit where a murder had occurred in the 1950s.
ChathamHouseThumb Chatham House
Medina County
Tiffany shares the paranormal experiences she and her family had while living in the home.
BuffingtonIslandThumb Buffington Island
Meigs County
Ghostly soldiers have been seen around the area of Ohio’s largest Civil War battle.
SpringValleyRoadHouseThumb Spring Valley Road House
Montgomery County
A.J. shared this intriguing story about how antiques may play a role in paranormal activity.
StiversMiddleSchoolThumb Stivers Middle School ContributedPhoto
Montgomery County
An anonymous contributor shares her story of the infamous Stivers Middle School pool, along with photos.
GoodSamaritanHospitalThumb Good Samaritan Medical Center
Muskingum County
Leslee Kane and her father witnessed an elderly woman disappear seconds after entering an elevator.
GarnetWilsonLibraryThumb Garnett Wilson Library
Pike County
Mike Hawk and his friends witnessed an elderly woman fade before their eyes.
Route14FarmhouseThumb Route 14 Farmhouse
Portage County
Lynn shares her story about her cousin’s former residence in Ravenna.
BellCemeteryThumb Bell Cemetery
Preble County
Dust to Dust Ohio submitted this story about a ghostly Civil War soldier captured in a photograph.
BrubakerBridgeThumb Brubaker Bridge
Preble County
Robert and his friends decided to check out Brubaker Bridge one night and had an experience they won’t forget.
AustinHauntedHouseThumb Austin Haunted House
Ross County
Sara Miller wrote in about the strange experiences she and her friends had at a home near the small town of Austin.
ElisabethsGraveThumb Elisabeth’s Grave ContributedPhoto
Ross County
Several visitors have written in sharing their experiences at this cemetery just outside Chillicothe.
GrandviewCemeteryThumb Grandview Cemetery
Ross County
Thanks to Ian for sharing his story of shadowy figures spotted in Chillicothe’s Grandview Cemetery.
HigbyHouseThumb Higby House
Ross County
Renee and James Davis tell their tales of paranormal occurrences at the Higby House.
SchraderRoadTunnelThumb Schrader Road Tunnel ContributedPhoto
Ross County
Several visitors tell their accounts of supernatural activity at Schrader Road Tunnel, including a strange photo.
SugarStreetHouseThumb Sugar Street House
Ross County
Former resident Jacob Fink shares strange happenings that occurred at the home in the early 1990s.
TarHollowStateParkThumb Tar Hollow State Park
Ross County
Sean shares his strange experience while hiking with his German Shepherd in the state forest.
ClydeRailroadTracksThumb Clyde Railroad Tracks
Sandusky County
Jerry and his fiance witnessed shadow people and later a call for help when a car mysteriously vanished.
BusseyRoadFarmhouseThumb Bussey Road Farmhouse
Scioto County
Denise Miller shares her experience while living in a haunted farmhouse along Bussey Road in the 1980s.
GleimRoadHomeThumb Gleim Road Home
Scioto County
Residents reported seeing the apparition of a man and were physically assaulted by something unseen.
MitchellaceBuildingThumb Mitchellace Building
Scioto County
Duke Conley confirmed the fifth floor of this building is haunted through his personal experience.
ScreamingMimiBridgeThumb Screaming Mimi Bridge
Seneca County
A website visitor shares her account of paranormal activity at this legendary bridge.
MagnoliaCemeteryThumb Magnolia Cemetery ContributedPhoto
Stark County
Colen Fink sent in two strange photos taken at the cemetery during a night trip.
TimkenSeniorHighSchoolThumb Timken Senior High School
Stark County
A former theater student recounts his paranormal experience at the high school.
BabcockWilcoxNuclearDivisionThumb Babcock & Wilcox Nuclear Division
Summit County
Walter Halchak witnessed a misty figure one night, along with some of his co-workers and local police.
HaleFarmVillageThumb Hale Farm And Village
Summit County
A former employee described the paranormal activity that took place at this replica Ohio-Erie Canal village.
OldBagOfNailsMarysvilleThumb Old Bag of Nails Pub
Union County
A former cook shares stories of paranormal activity that take place at this Marysville restaurant.
StephensLoungeThumb Stephen’s Lounge
Union County
An anonymous contributor tells of a lonely presence in the women’s restroom stall.
MendonRoadThumb Mendon Road
Van Wert County
Bob and his wife Sandy witnessed a white, partially transparent figure about 700 feet north of Tomlinson Cemetery.
MoonvilleTunnelThumb Moonville Tunnel Video ContributedPhoto
Vinton County
Several people share their paranormal stories from Moonville Tunnel, with photos and a video included.
StetsonHouseThumb Stetson House ContributedPhoto
Warren County
Jonathan Maxwell sent us this very strange photo of a figure that appeared in the upstairs window.
MoundCemeteryThumb Mound Cemetery
Washington County
Courtney and her friends witnessed a ghostly soldier while playing flashlight tag in the cemetery at night.
OuijaBoardThumb Witch Board Haunting
Washington County
Sykes described the mysterious happenings that would occur after using a Witch (Ouija) board.
PleasantHomeResidenceThumb Pleasant Home Residence
Wayne County
An anonymous visitor wrote about her personal paranormal experiences in the oldest home in the area.
WilliamsCountyHouseThumb Williams County House
Williams County
Jeremy wrote in about ghostly activity at his aunt-in-law’s house.
HolcombRoadThumb Holcomb Road
Wood County
Website contributors share their strange experiences while investigating Holcomb Road.
WoodCountyHistoricalMuseumThumb Wood County Historical Museum
Wood County
Dustin Smith shares his encounter with a shadowy figure while working in the museum’s attic.
LutheranRidgeCemeteryThumb Lutheran Ridge Cemetery ContributedPhoto
Wyandot County
Tim Steinman and his father shares this story about the legends of Lutheran Ridge Cemetery.


Out-of-State Stories

JacobsFuneralHome Jacob’s Funeral Home
Kokomo, Indiana
The owner of a former funeral home in Indiana sold allegedly haunted items on eBay.
PortageHouseThumb Portage House
Portage, Indiana
An anonymous contributor shares the story of a ghostly boy who wanted to kill their family.