On this page you will find haunted locations and legends of Washington County. Many of these are genuine and documented haunts, but others may be legend or hearsay. Remember, we do not condone trespassing. Always seek permission before entering private property. If you know of a haunting or legend not listed for this county, please submit them through our Haunting Submission Form.
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Buckeye Belle – The Buckeye Belle steamboat once made daily trips between Zanesville and St. Mary’s Virginia. For some reason, perhaps due to an overheated boiler, the boat exploded in 1852 at Beverly, killing more than twenty people. Thirteen of the victims remain buried under the monument erected in their honor in Beverly. On foggy nights, it is said that you can hear the sound of the Buckeye Belle making its way through the water. If you listen closely enough, you may even hear the voices of her phantom crew.
Anchorage – Douglas Putnam, one of Marietta’s founding fathers, built this 22-room mansion for his wife Eliza. She died in 1862, shortly after moving in. Her ghost is said to roam the halls and is sometimes seen looking out of the windows. In the 1960s-70s, the house was used as a nursing home. Many of the residents reported seeing Eliza walking around. It is believed there are tunnels related to the Underground Railroad beneath the house, but it is not known if they are haunted as well.
Buckley House – The ghost of foreign exchange student Willian new Kim, from China, is said to haunt the house. He drank chloroform when his patroness disapproved of his marriage to a servant girl.
Castle – A ghostly woman in period clothing is often seen here. A construction worker who was doing renovations once sighted an apparition here and refused to return to the castle.
Comfort Inn – Doors are said to open and close by themselves. Televisions turn on and curtains close by themselves as well. Some guests and employees have even reported being touched by unseen hands.
George White House – Built in 1855, George White bought the house in 1908. He was Ohio’s Governor in 1931 and is now said to haunt the house. The house now belongs to Marietta College’s Alpha Xi Sorority.
Lafayette Hotel – This is one of the last remaining hotels from the riverboat era on the Ohio River. It is said to be haunted by its former owner, S. Durward Hoag, who is usually seen in the 1937 addition bearing his name. Some guests have reported seeing mysterious lights in the hallways.
Levee House Restaurant – A man who was murdered here with an ax is said to haunt the building. In the mid-19th century, a wealthy man was having an affair with someone at the house. His eldest son was so upset with his father that he killed both his father and his father’s lover one night. The figure of a man can sometimes be seen creeping in the back door of the building to this day.
Mid-Ohio Valley Players Theater – Things in the prop room move on their own and an icy breeze can be felt in the basement. A former owner of the theater, Mr. Shea, is said to haunt the place. He is often seen in a brown felt derby. The spirit of an old light technician is sometimes seen walking around. After the theater is locked up, you can sometimes see a phantom figure in the ticket booth.
Mound Cemetery – A mysterious blue ball of light is often seen coming down from the top of the cemetery’s large mound. The light floats around the cemetery and eventually disappears. A ghostly soldier has also been spotted on the cemetery grounds. Related: OES Visit, Contribution (Credits: Courtney)
Ninth Street House – Several apparitions and strange orbs have been seen at the home on Ninth Street. There were several chalk messages in the attic rafters. One said, “Charlie the ghost live here, BEWARE. He will destroy families and will cause suicides.” (Credits: Lisa Chociej)