On this page you will find haunted locations and legends of Van Wert County. Many of these are genuine and documented haunts, but others may be legend or hearsay. Remember, we do not condone trespassing. Always seek permission before entering private property. If you know of a haunting or legend not listed for this county, please submit them through our Haunting Submission Form.
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Ohio City
County Line Cemetery – This location is actually in Mercer County. See listing there.
Woodlawn Cemetery – There’s an odd tombstone statue in the cemetery featuring a man and his wife, Philip and Jane. The legend states the two killed one another. Philip throttled Jane with a rope while Jane stabbed Philip with scissors. They are supposedly holding their murder weapons on the tombstone. However, it has been determined that Philip is holding wheat and Jane is holding sheep shears. They also died in different years.
Van Wert
Apartment Buildings – This largely-empty apartment building across from the old Van Wert High School seems to be plagued by ghosts. Utilities fluctuate and items have flown from shelves. The low occupancy rate is blamed on the spiritual activity there.
Van Rue Building – Formerly the Van Wert County Hospital, this building is said to be very haunted. Witnesses have heard mysterious voices, singing of nursery rhymes, and feeling cold spots throughout the building. Lights turn on and off by themselves, doors slam shut after being opened, and objects have moved unexplainably. Several visitors, including children, have reported uneasy feelings that something unseen is watching them. The ghost of an old man is said to linger in the furnace room and the spirit of a little girl roams the building, no knowing she is dead.
Mendon Road – Witnesses have reported seeing a white, partially transparent figure in the woods off Mendon Road, about 700 feet north of Tomlinson Cemetery. Related: Contribution