On this page you will find haunted locations and legends of Stark County. Many of these are genuine and documented haunts, but others may be legend or hearsay. Remember, we do not condone trespassing. Always seek permission before entering private property. If you know of a haunting or legend not listed for this county, please submit them through our Haunting Submission Form.
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Crybaby Bridge – This bridge is located next to the Jewish Cemetery listed below. It is said if one stands on the bridge at night, the sounds of crying babies can be heard. Some say that mothers who did not want their babies during the “baby boom” days would go to this bridge and toss their little ones over. One report we’ve received said the KKK may have kidnapped minority babies in the 1960s-70s and killed them at this bridge as part of a ritual.
Haines Street – Many of the homes on this road are said to be haunted and were part of the Underground Railroad. Small children have reported seeing figures and hearing voices. Residents on the road have reported their lights turning on and off by themselves and locked doors that unlock and open when they are not home. (Credits: Jessica M.)
Jewish Cemetery – Mysterious blue lights were seen quite often in a small shed-like structure in Alliance’s Jewish Cemetery. It is said there were a few murders inside the shed that could have contributed to the haunting activity. As of the fall of 2011, the small shed-like structure is no longer in the cemetery.
Pharmount Orphanage – This former orphanage, also known as Fairmount Children’s Home, stood three stories tall and had an enormous basement with tunnels that led in every direction. Voices and footsteps were frequently heard and shadows were seen darting around inside the building. There was a feeling of being watched and cold spots were frequent. It was said that some of the children who died there were buried in the basement. The orphanage burned to the ground on December 9, 2002, long after the building had closed.
WDPN & WDJQ Radio Station – This radio station is said to be haunted, although no one is certain of the origin of the paranormal activity reported there. People have felt cold spots while sitting at the table, have had ghostly hands grab at them, and can hear mysterious whispers. Photos of former company presidents hang in the lobby overlooking the FM air studio. Disc jockeys have reported seeing spirit-like figures walk around the lobby, looking at the photos. Doors that have no locks mysteriously lock and music can be heard coming from a radio in the garage that hasn’t worked since the 1970s. People standing in front of the station have reported seeing a lone spirit walking up and down Smythe Avenue. Related: OES Investigation
White Lady – The White Lady is said to roam the back roads and countryside near Alliance, along the former Underground Railroad route.
Canal Fulton
Lock Four – When the canal construction began in 1857, many men worked on the complex structure. When the man who was heading the project caught word that the government was going to shut down the Canal Fulton operation, he became enraged. He was so angered that he burned many of the workers and himself with acid. His hateful spirit still haunts the buildings and waterways of Lock Four along with many of the souls he killed.
Warehouse On The Canal – This 1906 building was home of Finnefrock Furniture for many years. Apparitions in period clothing have often been witnessed along with unexplained footsteps, lights turning on and off by themselves, radios changing stations, and other unexplainable noises. The lower basement if the building was used as a mortuary from 1916 to 1936 and is now home to very high electromagnetic field readings and cold spots. The building now houses antique shops and a teahouse. Related: OES Investigation
Hercules Engine Factory – In the older buildings of the factory, visitors and workers have been grabbed or pushed in the stairwell that leads to what used to be an army training facility during the World Wars. Strange smoky figures have been seen in the same buildings. Part of the plant was built in 1845, where the basement has energy orbs and a strange haze that travels through the rooms. Voices are often heard when no one else is around and cold spots move around the facility. Related: OES Investigation
McKinley Monument Cemetery – This creepy cemetery touts a tombstone with the name Frankenstein engraved on it. it is said the man buried there was buried alive and on still nights, one can hear him screaming for help and clawing inside his coffin.
Palace Theatre – On opening night in 1926, the famous Banks Kennedy treated the theatre’s patrons to the sounds of the Kilgen Wonder Organ. Banks was reportedly shot and killed in the basement in the 1930s by the order of a mob boss, whose daughter Banks was dating against the mob boss’s wishes. there have also been reports of a little girl seen in the balcony.
Crystal Springs
High Mill Avenue Bridge – This bridge that crosses the Tuscarawas River is said to be haunted by a woman and baby that were murdered there. The husband hanged his wife from the bridge and drowned his child.
Black Plague Cemetery Subdivision – A subdivision of new homes were built atop an old black plague cemetery. When clearing the area for the new subdivision, the workers missed a few graves. People in the homes have dug up coffins when planting gardens or making additions to their homes. The tombstone of a little girl was even found. The entire neighborhood seems to be haunted by footsteps, voices and apparitions.
Calvary Cemetery – A man by the name of Kirk is said to haunt the cemetery.
Massillon Community Hospital – In the 1940s, several newborn babies were murdered in the nursery of the hospital by a still-unidentified male in a white doctors coat. It has been suggested over the years that the suspect was the mentally ill son of a prominent local doctor. Even though the building where the murders originally took place is now gone, one can still hear the faint cries of newborn babies late at night when walking in the areas of the hospital that are closed after hours.
Massillon State Hospital – The old Massillon State Hospital is said to be haunted by those who died within its walls.
Regency Inn – A ghost by the name of Jody, who was stabbed to death on duty as a desk clerk, haunted the inn. She sometimes appeared right in front of occupants exiting the elevator. A Civil War soldier named Larry also haunted the inn. The Regency Inn has since been demolished. (Credits: The Rivera’s)
YMCA – The third and fourth floors of the YMCA used to be a homeless shelter, where there were multiple suicides and murders. Maids working at the YMCA have reported keys being moved from one room to the other, a feeling of being watched, and hearing screams, knocks and creaks. Rooms that were clean become dirty with trash. Bloodstains can still be seen on the old wooden floors of some rooms, although we have received word from a former staff member, Brandon, that the floors are made of cement. Screams and yells can be heard from the second floor basketball court, even when no one is on those floors. At least half of the staff refuses to go on these floors alone because of the paranormal activity.
Perry Heights
Doctors Hospital – Water faucets turned on and off in plain view and other ghostly pranks were played on the staff. Nurses reported hearing their names called when no one else was around. An apparition that appeared as a humanoid mist had been seen. A nurse’s aid who died from a heart attack while working could be heard humming from beyond the grave. One room was haunted by an elderly woman who cursed the room. Coldness often filled the room and patients even reported an elderly woman who tried to remove their covers and kick them out of the room. A hospital administrator who tried to stay in the room one night only made it to 2:00 AM. The room was then sealed off and no patients were ever assigned to it again. Doctors Hospital closed in 2008 and was sold in 2010. It’s ultimate fate remains to be seen. Related: OES Visit