On this page you will find haunted locations and legends of Meigs County. Many of these are genuine and documented haunts, but others may be legend or hearsay. Remember, we do not condone trespassing. Always seek permission before entering private property. If you know of a haunting or legend not listed for this county, please submit them through our Haunting Submission Form.
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Beech Grove Cemetery – Witnesses have reported seeing a woman wearing a brown dress roaming the cemetery. Mysterious shadowy figures have been seen along the wooded hilltop.
Pomeroy Veterans Memorial Hospital – This closed hospital is said to be haunted by a young girl who wears a long, white nightgown and sometimes holds a candle. Her ghost roams the halls and quickly disappears when spotted. She is most often seen standing in the windows of the empty building. her ghost was not seen as frequently when the hospital was still in use prior to 2001. Patients and workers alike reported hearing a bouncing ball and a skipping sound in the halls that could not be explained. Lights would turn on and off on their own. Several witnesses even reported seeing the girl’s ghost sitting next to patients before she would disappear. Many people believe she is connected to the nearby Children’s Home, an orphanage that operated from 1883 until 1973. A little girl is said to have gone missing from the orphanage in the 1940s and was never found. (Credits: James Lewis)
Buffington Island – The largest Civil War battle in Ohio took place on Buffington Island in July of 1863, near Portland. Residents of the area have reported seeing ghostly soldiers in Civil War attire vanish before their eyes. Related: Contribution
Letart Falls Cemetery – The cries of a baby have been heard coming from within the cemetery at night. Some people have also reported seeing small orbs of light at the cemetery’s gate. (Credits: Samantha Smith)
Tupper Plains
Dairyette – This ice cream restaurant at the intersection of State Route 7 and 681 was built on the former site of Tupper Plains Presbyterian Church. The ghostly figure of an older woman believed to be a former pastor’s wife has been seen, usually by young folks who linger a bit too long in their vehicles. The church was demolished in the 1970s.
United Brethren Church – The church building was sold by the congregation to a private individual with the stipulation that the church retain the bell for their new building. However, the individual broke the promise and sold the bell for $500, pocketing the money. Upon his tragic death, his heirs discovered they would not receive any of the $50,000 life insurance policy due to the nonpayment of his final installment, which was exactly $500.