On this page you will find haunted locations and legends of Medina County. Many of these are genuine and documented haunts, but others may be legend or hearsay. Remember, we do not condone trespassing. Always seek permission before entering private property. If you know of a haunting or legend not listed for this county, please submit them through our Haunting Submission Form.
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Crybaby Bridge – The train bridge on Abbeyville Road is said to be haunted. In the 1950s, a young girl threw her baby off the bridge in an effort to hide her pregnancy. Legend says that if you park under the bridge and turn your ignition off, your car will not start again until it is pushed from beneath the bridge. Reports say that you can hear a baby crying whenever it is silent night. A church next to the bridge is also supposed to be haunted, as black masses were held there decades ago. A word of warning, the bridge is still an active train crossing, especially at night.
Brunswick Haunted Mansion – A mansion that once set off a road in Brunswick was said to be haunted. Figures had been seen moving to and from the bay windows at the front of the house. Intruders had been chased out by the ghostly figure of a man who supposedly hanged himself from the old metal spiral staircase in the corner of the home. Cold spots were often felt and the sound of glass breaking was heard. The building has been demolished.
Johnny’s Pub & Grill – A spirit with poltergeist-like abilities haunts this restaurant/pub. Salt shakers have been smashed against the wall, the freezer door opens by itself, and things will be left in unattended food.
Plumb Creek Park – Before the wooded area became a park, it was reportedly home to Satanists and KKK meetings. People have reported seeing burning crosses and hearing chanting coming from the woods. Nearby residents have reported seeing people in white run across their yards at night.
Chatham House – Witnesses have seen strange figures, creatures and a “scary face” in the home. Objects hanging on the walls would fly off without explanation and doors would lock on their own after certain people would go outside. An exorcism was performed at the home in 2001, shortly before one family moved out. Related: Contribution (credits: Tiffany Wittman)
Asylum – A negative energy surrounds the asylum deep in the woods near Whipps Ledges. Ghostly talking has been heard inside the building and some witnesses have reported seeing children peering out the windows.
Hinckley Library – The town’s library resides in a small old white house that was built in the 1840s. The sister of Doctor Nelson Wilcox, who owned the land before the house was built, is said to haunt the building along with the doctor. She died a tragic death and is sighted most often on the stairs in her old-fashioned dress. Workers reported seeing the apparitions in 1973 when the home was converted into a library. Workers at the library have reported unusual feelings and seeing small objects move unassisted.
Interstate 71
Interstate 71 – A ghostly hitchhiker haunts the stretch of I-71 in Medina County. He is said to look like a normal person, but he becomes transparent when you pull up closer. He is often seen wearing a light tan raincoat and has dark hair. The police in the area receive many reports of this mysterious hitchhiker and are away he’s there.
Branch Road Apartments – The ghost of a man who was murdered at the apartment complex replays his unfortunate death during the summer months. A dark, hooded man has been seen near the bathroom door of a certain apartment. (Credits: Sammie Hayes)
County Jail – The ghost or figure of a small person has been seen in jail. It is felt to be the presence of a very calm, sad, lonely, non-hostile woman. Some believe she is a Native American.
Medina Steakhouse & Saloon – A number of witnesses have reported seeing two ghostly women and a man walking throughout the entire restaurant.
Spencer Cemetery – A real, physically here lantern has been seen floating around the cemetery. Witnesses who have approached the lantern find no apparent signs of a hoax or strings attached. A smaller lanter is sometimes seen floating next to the larger lantern as well.
Spitzer House Bed & Breakfast – Built in 1890 by Ceilan Milo Spitzer, the house is haunted by several ghosts. There are two rooms that are particularly haunted. One room is called Ceilan’s Room and the other is called Anna’s Room. Anna’s Room is where the ghost of a mentally-challenged servant girl appears on a regular basis. The dining room is also said to be haunted and is where the mysterious voices of two men can be heard.
Swift Mansion – Located in Lorain County. (Credits: Frank Bolda)
Valley City
Myrtle Hill Cemetery – This is the location of the Witch’s Ball Grave. As local legend goes, a crazy woman by the last name Stoskopf murdered her family, putting poison in the well. It is also said that she may have killed them by placing arsenic in their food. After her family was dead, she threw them all down the well. When approached by authorities, she admitted to the murders and spent the rest of her life in a mental asylum. Other variations say that she was put to death by the townspeople. In either case, she was buried beneath the ball. It is said the ball is warm when it’s cold outside and cool when it’s warm outside. It is also said that leaves and snow will never fall on the tombstone. The wooded area around the cemetery is known to be the site of many strange occurrences as well.
Myrtle Hill Road Crybaby Bridge – Just down the road from Myrtle HIll Cemetery, this bridge is the site of ghostly crying babies.
Ohio Blue Tip Factory – The Ohio Blue Tip Factory has been the location of many fires and deaths. Now an industrial park complex, witnesses have reported seeing shadowy figures and hearing unexplained voices. Some have even reported seeing people walking around who mysteriously disappear.