On this page you will find haunted locations and legends of Greene County. Many of these are genuine and documented haunts, but others may be legend or hearsay. Remember, we do not condone trespassing. Always seek permission before entering private property. If you know of a haunting or legend not listed for this county, please submit them through our Haunting Submission Form.
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Beavercreek High School – A former teacher who was brutally murdered haunts the school. Many people have reported hearing footsteps and objects move on their own when no one is around. There have been some witnesses who have seen the teacher’s ghost walking through the hallways and cafeteria. She is especially cruel to females, as it is believed that it was one of her female students who killed her.
Carpenter Road – In the mid-1970s, a man hanged himself from one of the trees near the bend. On foggy nights you can see his shadow walking and hear moaning.
Stoner Park – It is said that over thirty occupants of the old folks center were killed in a mass suicide. They locked themselves in the home with no escape and set fire to their clothing. The center burned to the ground along with all of the bodies. If you walk to path of the woods in the fall season, you can supposedly see glowing forms of humans running very fast in the distance. Mysterious sounds can also be heard.
Little Sugar Creek – The ghost of a woman who had Bellbrook’s mayor’s illegitimate child is said to haunt the banks of the creek. She jumped into the creek with her child after she was abandoned by the mayor. Witnesses have reported seeing her walking on the banks, singing to her child. The activity is said to increase during the month of June.
Trebein Road – The road is haunted by the ghost of a woman who was killed on her wedding day after being flung from her carriage when it hit a rock. Her father and fiancée dug up the rock and tossed it to the side of the road where it remains today. The woman’s ghost is seen wearing her white wedding dress, often near the time of her anniversary or birthday. Some believe that if you stop and she touches you that you will become old and she will be young and beautiful again. Related: Contribution
John Bryan State Park – The ghost of a man known in life as “Wiley The Hermit” is said to haunt the area around the west gate, whistling a happy tune. He is usually seen wearing a blue shirt with overalls and a red handkerchief around his neck. Wiley The Hermit sold produce and soda pop to travelers passing through the area. He was killed in 1912 when he and his horse drowned in the swollen river.
Baker Middle School – A strange moaning sound is sometimes heard next to the elevators. A ghost is also said to haunt the gym and surrounding classrooms, occasionally shaking desks.
Blue Jacket Amphitheater – The woods around the amphitheater are said to be haunted by the ghosts of Indians, who occasionally show up during performances.
Eden Hall – One of the most historical buildings in Xenia, Eden Hall has over 750 paintings and thirteen-foot tall ceilings. Mysterious lights are seen inside the building and doors open and close by themselves. Child-sized footprints are seen in dust and mysterious music and voices commonly wake guests. Many of the family members who lived here are said to haunt the place along with an ill-tempered woman who haunts the third floor.
Old Veterans Children’s Home – Reports of little children laughing and playing are common in some buildings.
Spring Hill Elementary – The ghost of a teacher murdered there over 100 years ago is said to haunt the school, searching for the person who killed her.
Yellow Springs
Antioch – The last room on the left of Dodd Hall is said to be haunted by a little boy who sometimes pounces of students in the middle of the night. Some witnesses feel as though they are being pushed down in their beds. The boy is said to be looking for a friend and has been known to reach out for someone’s hand.
G. Stanley Hall – This 1860s mansion was haunted by ghosts who take the form of floating mists and optical distortions. They drifted through the halls of the building, frightening students. The building sat abandoned for a few years and was demolished in 2004. It is unknown if the ghosts still haunt the area.
Glen Helen Nature Preserve – There have been many sightings of ghostly Indians and a woman named Helen, whose father named the park after she died.
Hyde Road Crybaby Bridge – It is said that you can hear a baby crying and a mother running around the bridge at midnight. Footprints appears on cars, looking as if something was trying to get in. The legend says the mother killed her baby there at midnight before taking her own life.
Olde Trail Tavern – The old tavern built in 1827 is said to be haunted by a sinister woman in blue. She has never been seen by a woman and creates a dark atmosphere whenever she is present. She has been known to knock things off the walls and make strange noises.