On this page you will find haunted locations and legends of Columbiana County. Many of these are genuine and documented haunts, but others may be legend or hearsay. Remember, we do not condone trespassing. Always seek permission before entering private property. If you know of a haunting or legend not listed for this county, please submit them through our Haunting Submission Form.
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East Liverpool
Beaver Creek State Park – Part of the Beaver Creek canal system, a reporter once took a photo and upon being developed, the image of a Native American appeared on it. Two of the locks in the park are haunted. One is haunted by Gretchen, the daughter of the man who built the lock. She died and was entombed in the stones of the lock until she could be sent back home to Holland for burial. She was never sent. The lock is now known as Gretchen’s Lock. There are reports of hearing her cries and the occasional sighting of her walking along the lock. The other haunted lock is known as Jake’s Lock. Jake was a night watchman who was struck by lightning and fell into the canal. His lantern can sometimes be seen as he does his rounds for eternity. Electronics tend to malfunction when his ghost is present. The park is also home to the Mushroom Lady, a ghostly woman who is said to have killed her lover with poison mushrooms in a stew. She had been left standing at the altar and never removed her wedding gown. She was found dead in her home four months later, her bridal veil still over her face. On August 12, her anniversary, her ghostly activity increases. Her touch is said to be deadly. There have also been reports of a ghostly man and woman who hold hands and walk in the middle of the road, only to vanish when approached.
Elk’s Lodge Phone Booth – The ghost of a murdered teen named Shawn has been known to call the phone booth near the Elk’s Lodge. His ghostly voice tells the person who answers the phone to look across the street, where the fluorescent figure of a teenager with no head can be seen. The hauntings seem particularly strong on every Saturday during the month of March.
Lee Street Residence – A home of Lee Street is haunted. Witnesses have reported seeing blue and white figures in the back bedroom and in the kitchen. A semitransparent person has been spotted in front of the oil tanks in the basement.
Spring Grove Cemetery – This small Civil War era cemetery is said to be haunted by a little boy dressed in 1920s clothing. Many people have spotted his ghost over the years. It is believed that the ghost belongs to a boy named Billy Amos, who died in 1924 at the age of seven from a congenital heart condition. He had lived across the street from the cemetery with his parents and sister. The family could not afford a casket, so Billy’s father built a crude casket and the funeral home buried him in the cemetery. It is believed that Billy’s ghost is just trying to find his way home.
Thompson Park – The Blue Lady of Thompson Park has been seen by many people over the years. Folklore says she walks around the park dressed in an ornate blue dress, carrying a large lantern that casts a blue glow. Though there are several legends associated with The Blue Lady, the most popular is that during the 1950s, a young man asked a girl to the prom and told her to meet him at a large rock in the park. He told her that he would beep his horn when he had arrived. She waited and waited, but her date never showed up. Anxious, the girl jumped out in front of a passing car and was killed. Legend says if you’re a male and beep you car’s horn six times at the park, she will appear to you. If you’re a female, you are supposed to switch your car’s headlights on and off six times for her to make an appearance. If there are both men and women in the car, you must perform both rituals. It is said that if The Blue Lady appears to you after following these directions, she will follow you around the park until you leave. There is another ghost referred to as “The Captain,” who has been spotted in the park. Witnesses have also reported strange paranormal activity at the park’s swimming pool, where several people have supposedly drowned over the years.
Rex Road – A man with a chunk of his head missing is said to haunt this road, along with his dog. The man is known to chase off people who stop on the road late at night.
Columbia Street House – Residents who sleep on the top part of the upstairs of this house are often woken up in the middle of the night by a loud banging noise on the bedroom door. The attic is believed to be haunted by an old woman who sews on an old sewing machine. She is often heard working late at night. Some have seen the apparition of a man looking at them as they walk next to the stairway. Related: Contribution (Credits: Bill Beiling)
Grafton Road – The section of Grafton Road between Lodge Road and Miller Road is known as Organ Grinder Road to locals, who claim many strange things happen along the road. Legend says Organ Grinder got its name from a home along the road that had burned down some time ago. On quiet nights, you can still hear the organ music playing. Witnesses driving along the road claim their car radios go on the fritz and begin to play organ music through the speakers. A group of girls who decided to take a late-night stroll down the road in 1997 were nearly run over by a ghostly old man in a pickup truck. The girls’ ride, who was waiting for them at the other end of the road, never saw another car pass them even though the pickup appeared immediately after their ride had gone over the hill. (Credits: Laura McKenna)
Church Hill Road – The bridge on Church Hill Road is said to be haunted, along with the church. Witnesses have reported peering into the windows of the church to see the organ play on its own. UPDATE: We have received word that the church was burned to the ground by three drunks who were burning books inside the church. (Credits: Jerry Noxville and Val Mitcheson)
Jordanville Cemetery – Established in 1808, Jordanville Cemetery is supposedly haunted. Visitors have reported an eerie feeling while walking up the hill toward the cemetery. Numerous people have had orbs show up in photographs taken while in the cemetery. A strange mist forms around the area during the summer months. The cemetery is also known as Old Presbyterian Cemetery and Old Dutch Cemetery.
Little Beaver Creek – The covered bridge that spans Little Beaver Creek is said to be haunted. There are reports of strange sounds and ghosts have been seen.
Elks Club – When scarlet fever swept through the town in the early 1900s, this former church was converted into a makeshift hospital to combat the disease. The priest of the church was also a doctor and volunteered to help the victims. As time passed, he became infected as well and eventually died. His ghost is often seen upstairs where the infected patients once stayed and has been heard playing the piano downstairs.
New Springfield
German Witch Graves – There is a hayfield just off Lipply Road with a clump of trees in the center. Three tombstones in this clump of trees are said to belong to witches. All three graves are written in German. Ghostly figures have been spotted in the trees and in the adjacent field. The three witches reportedly haunt the general area as well. (Credits: Raymond Wambsgans)
New Waterford
Hillbilly Hill – The ghosts of Indians are said to haunt the woods on this hill, located on the side of McCloskey Road near Bull Creek Road.
Hisey Road – A 15-year-old boy named Rick hanged himself in the barn at the site of a burned down house in 1990. It is said that if you pull into the driveway, you’ll be facing the exact spot where he committed suicide. A ghostly figure can sometimes be seen roaming the grounds.
Krebs Land – The land owned by the late Mr. and Mrs. Krebs is supposedly very haunted. Apparitions have been seen and banging has been heard on the walls. A book entitled The Dead Won’t Hurt You or Will They? by Schiffer publications has even been written about the haunting.
Mount Calvary Community Church – The church is said to be haunted by the ghost of an unpleasant female.
New Waterford Apartments – The apartments are haunted by several ghosts. One is known to be a young boy who can often be heard crying for his mother.
Old Coe Place – The sounds of ghostly footsteps can be heard throughout the house at night. It has been said that one of the Coe family members had hanged himself in the attic. The attic has not been opened since the incident occurred in the early 1900s. Chairs move around for no apparent reason and the figure of a man in a suit has been seen walking right through the front door. (Credits: Whitney Yereb)
Bowman Cemetery – Located deep in the woods of Lusk Lock Road, the cemetery is said to be haunted. A witch supposedly killed children there and was hanged from a large tree. There is also a grave with a huge crack in it that you can stick your entire arm down. Related: Contribution
Lusk’s Lock – Part of the Beaver Creek canal system, the lock is said to be haunted by a worker who died there. Witnesses have seen him walking along the lock in his work clothes.
Egypt Road Crybaby Bridge – It is said that one day as the baby’s parents were arguing, the baby went to the bottom of the driveway where the bridge was. When the parents noticed the baby was missing, they noticed it was on the bridge. As the mother rand down the driveway to retrieve her baby, the baby fell over the bridge. Today you can still hear the scream of the baby and its mother coming to save it. Legend also says that a miner was killed in the explosion when an old mine was blasted shut near the bridge. His ghost now haunts the area. Teenager suicides were said to take place on the bridge in the 1970s and the area is home to a “weird” cult and various gangs.
Sadie Barkus – One Halloween night, an elderly woman named Sadie Barkus was reportedly tied to her bed by an unknown assailant. Sadie was burned to death along with her dogs. Some say Sadie wasn’t murdered at all, but rather fell asleep while smoking in bed. Regardless of how she died, every Halloween, late at night, it is said you can still hear her dogs barking and howling. Many daffodils grow wildly where her house once stood. On Halloween in 1997, the woods near her home mysteriously caught fire.
Southern Local Junior/Senior High School – Ten students who were supposedly killed are said to haunt the school. Strange sounds can be heard when no one is near. Most of the activity takes place in the office, hallways and in some classrooms. People have also heard their names being called. (Credits: Jimmie David)
Fairview Elementary School – A former principal who died unexpectedly is said to still walk the halls of the school. When the building was still in use as a school, the former principal’s portrait would fall from the walls and radios in the administration office would turn on by an unseen hand. A business bought the property after the school district put it up for sale. During renovations, several eyewitnesses claim to have seen a male apparition.
Old Home / Indian Burial Yard – Noises have been heard coming from the barn on the property and objects have been known to fly across the room towards investigators without reason. A strange light that resembles a Native American can sometimes be seen in the windows of the home.