On this page you will find haunted locations and legends of Allen County. Many of these are genuine and documented haunts, but others may be legend or hearsay. Remember, we do not condone trespassing. Always seek permission before entering private property. If you know of a haunting or legend not listed for this county, please submit them through our Haunting Submission Form.
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Crybaby Bridge – Also known as Greely Chapel Bridge, it is a few miles outside of Lima on some back roads. There are three stories associated with the bridge. The first story says the bridge is where a mom and her baby died in an automobile accident at midnight on Halloween night. It is said that if one goes to the bridge on Halloween night at midnight you can bear the baby crying and the sound of its rattler. The second story involves the supposed murders of a carload of teenagers. As the story goes, their remains were scattered around the area around the bridge by whatever or whoever killed them. The driver’s body was supposedly hung on the stop sign. The stop sign is said to bleed, even after being replaced multiple times. The third story, although not as common, names the bridge as a place where you can encounter the infamous Bloody Mary.
Irving Elementary School – There are reports from this school indicating there is a ghost of a child who plays with basketballs. A basketball can sometimes be heard dribbling, and when investigated, no one is around. Other children have seen people stop dead in their tracks and fall over at random.
Lima Correction Institute – Many inmates have reported hearing voices and seeing unusual things as they sit and talk or listen to music. One ghost is said to tuck prisoners into bed at night. The other, more noticeable ghost, is that of a woman who worked in the prison years ago. She is said to bring the inmates food, and once, a guard even looked up the employee number he saw on her shirt. That’s how they discovered that she was a former employee of the prison. UPDATE: The prison closed in 2004 but is still standing. Prison officials say it is still off limits in the event the facility is ever reopened for use as a prison.
Little Boy Tombstone – Somewhere around Lima, there is a cemetery where the image of a murdered boy appears on one of the tombstones. It is said that he interrupted a pair of grave robbers in the act, so they killed him and buried him in a grave that went undiscovered for years. The boy’s picture appeared on a tombstone not long after the murder and could not be removed. During the day, the boy seems to be smiling, but at night, he is sad and miserable.
Tuberculosis Hospital – It is that that if you go into the basement of the old tuberculosis hospital at night, you can see dead bodies laying around, along with other spooky things. Ghosts of former patients wearing nightgowns have also been seen. It has been reported that very few people can make it to the third floor of the hospital for some reason. NOTE: Police and security patrol this property very frequently and will arrest or issue a trespassing ticket to any individuals found on the premises.
Bloody Bridge – Bloody Bridge is in Auglaize County, see the listing there.
Spencerville Cemetery – It is said that if you sit on a concrete slab bench in the cemetery at the wrong time, ghosts will hold you down until you die.