Parks & Nature

On this page you will find all of the parks and nature sites visited by the Ohio Exploration Society, arranged alphabetically by county. We have more nature photos to upload, so make sure to follow our social media accounts to be notified whenever we update the site. Remember, we do not condone trespassing at any of these locations. Always seek permission before entering private property. If you have photos of a park or nature site that you would like to share, please submit them to and we may post them with credit given to you. If you would like to suggest a location for us to explore, please use the Exploration Submission Form and we’ll do our best to check it out.

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LockvilleParkThumb Lockville Park 360
Fairfield County
This small park in rural Lockville is full of canal locks and includes a covered bridge.
BattelleDarbyParkThumb Battelle-Darby Creek Metro Park
Franklin County
This beautiful park on the Darby creeks opened in 1959 and is one of Columbus’ largest parks.
GantzParkThumb Gantz Park – Family Homestead
Franklin County
This Grove City park features an amazing flower garden and large gazebo.
GlenEchoParkThumb Glen Echo Park
Franklin County
This ravine park near Clintonville is the home of several hauntings and legends.
HaydenFallsThumb Hayden Falls
Franklin County
This beautiful waterfall is one of Columbus’ best kept secrets.
IndianRunFallsThumb Indian Run Falls
Franklin County
These breath-taking falls are located in a small Dublin park.
ThreeRiversParkThumb Three Creeks Metro Park 360
Franklin County
Previously known as Three Rivers Park, this is the largest park inside I-270 in Columbus.
TinkersCaveThumb Tinker’s Cave 360
Hocking County
This haunted cave deep in the woods of Hocking County has a history of Civil War thievery.
SlateRunHistoricalFarmThumb Slate Run Historical Farm
Pickaway County
Step back in time to see what life was like in the 1880s by visiting this living farm.
SlateRunParkThumb Slate Run Metro Park
Pickaway County
Opened in 1981, this park had its start after World War One when trees were replanted in the area.
MalabarFarmThumb Malabar Farm EVPLogo
Richland County
This large rural farm once belonged to author Louis Bromfield.
BrandywineFallsThumb Brandywine Falls
Summit County
A forgotten village once surrounded this beautiful waterfall in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park.