The OES visited Sacra Via in Marietta on June 16, 2001. As with nearby Quadranaou Mound, also featured on our website, Sacra Via was built around 900 AD by the Hopewell culture. Sacra Via was once a walled way from Quadranaou Mound to the Ohio River. The walls were removed in 1843 by a local brick maker in order to produce bricks for the foundations of homes that now surround the Sacra Via site. Camp Tupper occupied the area during the Civil War. The camp was named for Brigadier General Benjamin Tupper, who was an organizer of the Ohio Company and one of the first settlers in the area in 1788. Sacra Via had the appeal of a small neighborhood park when we visited. there were some artistic carvings lining the park, which are included in the photos below.
Location Information: Public Park
Sacra Via is located along Sacra Via Street, just off of 3rd Street, in Marietta; Washington County.