The OES visited Mound City on July 10, 2006. Also known as the Hopewell Culture National Historical Park, the twenty-four mounds in the park were constructed sometime between 100 BC and 500 AD over the remains of charnel houses. The Hopewell cremated their dead, burned the charnel houses and built earthen mounds over the remains. Effigy pipes, arrowheads, mica, copper figures pottery and other artifacts were placed within the mound. One of the more interesting items discovered was a headpiece made of human bones. Mound City is one of the largest concentrations of burial mounds to ever be discovered.
The earthworks were mapped in the early 1800s but weren’t fully surveyed until 1846, at which time they were partially excavated. Many of the artifacts uncovered then were shipped to private collectors and museums overseas. Ten years after the site was surveyed, the woodland was cleared from the area and the farmer who owned the land began cultivation, causing damage to some of the mounds and embankments. In 1917, the US Army established Camp Sherman on the site as a training facility for World War One, leveling all but the large central mound. The Ohio Historical Society excavated the central mound in 1920, and by 1923, Camp Sherman had been dismantled and all of the mounds were restored according to the 1846 survey. Today the park’s museum features artifacts found during excavations, a film about the Hopewell culture, a book store, and guided tours.
Location Information: Public Park
Mound City is located at 16062 State Route 104 in Chillicothe; Ross County.
A wide angle view of Mound City from the on-site museum.
This diagram showed an overhead layout of Mound City.
A ditch was on either side of the pathway that led into Mound City.
The path to Mound City was at an even grade and not part of the ditch.
Some of the mounds on the other side of the ditch.
Various pipes were found in this small mound during excavation.
A plaque showed various types of effigy pipes that were uncovered.
A look at the mounds from afar.
This area at the rear of Mound City reminded us of a dry retention pond.
Mounds in the distance.
One of the smaller mounds of Mound City.
Some of the taller mounds of Mound City.
It was hard to believe that these mounds were leveled during World War I.
A mound was never rebuilt on top of these charnel house remains.
The support beams of the old charnel house.
An outline of the charnel house along with some information.
Our last look at the uncovered charnel house.
Some mounds were steeper than others.
A large tree near the rear of the property.
Three mounds.
A couple of mounds in the rear of Mound City.
A small mound on the edge of the property.
These were some of the larger mounds.
This almost looked like a golf course.
The marker for the huge elliptical mound.
It was amazing to read that only four burials were found inside this massive mound.
The mound in the foreground was difficult to see as it was not very tall.
On the other hand, these mounds could not be missed.
A closer look at one of the taller mounds.
A closer look at one of the shorter mounds.
These mounds were located at the front of the Mound City group.
Our last look at the main portion of Mound City.
Going back across the ditch toward the museum.
A plaque with information about Camp Sherman, which was once located on the sacred grounds.
A small, steep mound on the other side of the parking lot.
Another look at the mound, this time with some flowers to pretty up the photo.
This artifact on display in the museum was recovered from Mound City.
Various copper artifacts.
Some pottery and a large piece of mica.
Ancient jewelry.
Arrowheads, tools and other artifacts on display.
Several ceremonial pipes.
Copper antlers and a large obsidian spear.
This poster described the daily life of the Hopewell people.