
On this page you will find all of the cemeteries visited by the Ohio Exploration Society, arranged alphabetically by county. We still have many cemeteries to add, so make sure to follow us on our social media accounts to be notified whenever we update the site. Remember, we do not condone trespassing at any of these locations. Always seek permission if a cemetery is located on private property. If you have photos of a cemetery or a particular tombstone for a listed cemetery that you would like to share, please submit them to pictures@ohioexploration.com and we may post them with credit given to you. If you would like to suggest a location for us to explore, please use our Exploration Submission Form and we’ll do our best to check it out.

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StewartCemeteryThumb Stewart Cemetery
Crawford County
This cemetery is located just off the old Lincoln Highway near Bucyrus.
HillCemeteryThumb Hill Cemetery
Delaware County
Established in 1821, Concord Township’s first cemetery overlooks the Scioto River.
WilliamsvilleCemeteryThumb Williamsville Cemetery
Delaware County
Located just off State Route 23, it also contains the relocated Patterson Cemetery.
BowersCemeteryThumb Bowers Cemetery
Fairfield County
Established in the 1820s, this cemetery is on a small grassy knoll in a farmer’s field.
DellRuseFeaselCemeteryThumb Dell Ruse (Feasel) Cemetery
Fairfield County
Near the intersection of Hines and Refugee Roads, this cemetery was moved to Violet Township Cemetery.
FairfieldCountyInfirmaryCemeteryThumb Fairfield County Infirmary Cemetery
Fairfield County
This pauper’s cemetery behind the old county poorhouse contains between 400-500 unmarked burials.
ForestRoseCemeteryThumb Forest Rose Cemetery EVPLogo 360
Fairfield County
Established in 1882, this is one of the largest cemeteries in the Lancaster area.
GreencastleCemeteryThumb Greencastle Cemetery
Fairfield County
Established around 1818, most of the tombstones are in good shape.
HiestandCemeteryThumb Hiestand Cemetery
Fairfield County
This once-rural cemetery is now in the cul-de-sac of a subdivision.
JobsCemeteryThumb Job’s Cemetery
Fairfield County
Established around 1830, this cemetery is also known as Hiob’s Cemetery.
LookerJamesRiceCemeteryThumb Looker-James-Rice Cemetery
Fairfield County
This nearly-forgotten cemetery could be the final resting place of Revolutionary War veterans.
PisgahCemeteryThumb Pisgah Cemetery
Fairfield County
Established in 1852, this cemetery is the northern gateway to Pickerington.
RaverCemeteryThumb Raver Cemetery
Fairfield County
Established in 1821, Raver Cemetery is on a small hill off of Eastern Waterloo Road.
ShoemakerCemeteryThumb Shoemaker Cemetery
Fairfield County
Established in 1813, this small family cemetery is in the middle of a farmer’s field.
StonewallCemeteryThumb Stonewall Cemetery
Fairfield County
Established in 1817, the entire cemetery is surrounded by a large stone wall.
TunisNewkirkCemeteryThumb Tunis Newkirk Cemetery
Fairfield County
This small family cemetery is surrounded by a concrete wall in a farmer’s field.
Weaver Cemetery
Fairfield County
This Liberty Township cemetery contains burials of some of the area’s earliest pioneers.
YoungPickeringCemeteryThumb Young-Pickering Cemetery
Fairfield County
This small family cemetery is now located within the Chevington Woods subdivision.
CampChaseCemeteryThumb Camp Chase Cemetery EVPLogo 360
Franklin County
This Confederate soldier cemetery on the west side of Columbus is haunted by the Lady In Gray.
CarlisleCemeteryThumb Carlisle Cemetery
Franklin County
Established in 1810, this cemetery is located near the Hibernia apartment complex.
ClimeCemeteryThumb Clime Cemetery
Franklin County
Established around 1840, this cemetery along Clime Road has long since been abandoned.
ConcordMethodistCemeteryThumb Concord Methodist Cemetery
Franklin County
Established in 1849, this cemetery is on the corner of Hoover Road and State Route 665.
EbenezerCemeteryThumb Ebenezer Cemetery
Franklin County
Established around 1845, it was last used in the early 1900s.
FranklintonCemeteryThumb Franklinton Cemetery
Franklin County
Established in 1799, this is likely the oldest known cemetery in Central Ohio.
GreenLawnCemeteryThumb Green Lawn Cemetery EVPLogo
Franklin County
Established in 1848, this is the second largest cemetery in the state of Ohio.
GroveCityCemeteryThumb Grove City Cemetery
Franklin County
Established in 1908, this cemetery includes a much older, relocated German cemetery.
GundyCemeteryThumb Gundy Cemetery
Franklin County
Established around 1828, this cemetery is near the Oakhurst Golf Course.
HendrenCemeteryThumb Hendren Cemetery
Franklin County
Established in 1826, this cemetery was in terrible shape at the time of our visit, but has since been restored.
KramerCemeteryThumb Kramer Cemetery
Franklin County
Established in 1810, this cemetery is in horrible shape and has almost completely vanished.
LandesPlumTravisCemetery Landes (Plum Travis) Cemetery
Franklin County
Established around 1811, this cemetery is commonly referred to as the Lockbourne Plague Cemetery.
LillyDyerCemeteryThumb Lilly-Dyer Cemetery
Franklin County
Established around 1826, the cemetery is located in the Battelle-Darby Metro Park.
LockbourneCemeteryThumb Lockbourne Cemetery
Franklin County
Established in 1835, this town cemetery is said to be haunted by lights and voices.
MadisonTruroCemeteryThumb Madison-Truro Cemetery
Franklin County
Established in 1820, this cemetery is also known as Truro Presbyterian.
MarshCemeteryThumb Marsh Cemetery
Franklin County
Established in 1853, only a few tombstones remain visible in this Grove City cemetery.
OakGroveCemeteryThumb Oak Grove Cemetery
Franklin County
Established around 1811, this cemetery is near the Battelle-Darby Metro Park.
OldAgudasAchimCemeteryThumb Old Agudas Achim Cemetery EVPLogo
Franklin County
Established in 1891, this Jewish cemetery is located along Alum Creek Drive.
RareyCemeteryThumb Rarey Cemetery
Franklin County
Established in 1826, this old cemetery is in excellent condition.
RayWatkinsCemeteryThumb Ray Watkins Cemetery
Franklin County
Established around 1830, it is located along Parsons Avenue near the former Fisher’s Greenhouse.
SciotoStraderCemeteryThumb Scioto-Strader Cemetery
Franklin County
Established in 1888, this cemetery is located down a long lane.
StevensonCemeteryThumb Stevenson Cemetery
Franklin County
Established in 1815, all of the stones have been removed from the cemetery grounds.
TaylorCemeteryThumb Taylor Cemetery
Franklin County
Established in 1833, many tombstones are older. The cemetery was moved in 1965.
ThomasAdamsCemeteryThumb Thomas Adams Cemetery
Franklin County
Established in 1850, this cemetery is also known as the Barbee Cemetery.
ThomasSeedsCemeteryThumb Thomas Seeds Cemetery
Franklin County
Established in 1855, this cemetery is located in Jackson Township on Hoover Road.
WilliamsFamilyCemeteryThumb Williams Family Cemetery
Franklin County
Established around 1841, the Williams Family Cemetery is in a grove of trees next to US Route 23.
WolfeCemeteryThumb Wolfe Cemetery
Hocking County
Established in the 1840s, a witch or warlock is supposedly buried within the cemetery’s grounds.
DenisonCemeteryThumb Denison Cemetery
Licking County
Also known as College Hill Cemetery, this cemetery is on the campus of Denison University.
LurayCemeteryThumb Luray Cemetery
Licking County
Established in the early 1800s, there are several Confederate soldiers buried here.
OldColonyBuryingGroundThumb Old Colony Burying Ground
Licking County
Some of Granville’s founders and Revolutionary War veterans are buried in this cemetery, established in 1805.
ParkinsonBabcockCemeteryThumb Parkinson & Babcock Cemetery
Licking County
Established in 1811, this cemetery is north of US Route 40, west of Kirkersville.
stjacobcemeterythumb St. Jacob Cemetery Video
Licking County
Established around 1834, this cemetery is home of the “Kinder Der Nacht” legend.
YorkStreetCemeteryThumb York Street Cemetery
Licking County
Established around 1865, this cemetery has a very interesting history.
CountsCemeteryThumb Counts Cemetery
Madison County
Established around 1822, this cemetery sits off State Route 38 near Midway.
HamptonCemeteryThumb Hampton Cemetery
Madison County
Established around 1822, pioneers of Madison County are buried within the cemetery grounds.
KirkwoodCemeteryThumb Kirkwood Cemetery
Madison County
This fairly large cemetery is located just west of London in Madison County.
PaintMemorialCemetery Paint Memorial Cemetery
Madison County
Located off of Old Xenia Road, this cemetery was established in the 1820s.
PancakeCemeteryThumb Pancake Cemetery
Madison County
This cemetery is just behind the Pancake Schoolhouse in rural Madison County.
OtterbeinCemeteryThumb Otterbein Cemetery
Perry County
This cemetery, still actively used, is the home of the infamous Horseshoe Grave.
AshvilleCemeteryThumb Ashville Cemetery
Pickaway County
Established around 1830, this cemetery is in the village of Ashville.
ConklinCemeteryThumb Conklin Cemetery
Pickaway County
Established around 1812, this cemetery is very overgrown and in a wooded area.
HighStreetCemeteryThumb High Street Cemetery
Pickaway County
Established in 1830, this cemetery in Circleville includes many military burials.
HooverHillCemeteryThumb Hoover Hill Cemetery
Pickaway County
Established sometime in the mid-1800s, this cemetery is east of Ashville.
MarcyCemeteryThumb Marcy Cemetery
Pickaway County
Established around 1870, Marcy Cemetery is near the Slate Run Metro Park.
ConcordCemeteryThumb Concord Cemetery
Preble County
Established in 1840, this rural cemetery has an abundance of tall monuments.
FriendshipCemeteryThumb Friendship Cemetery
Preble County
Established around 1809, many early pioneers of the area are buried in the cemetery’s grounds.
MayCemeteryThumb May Cemetery
Preble County
Established sometime in the mid-1800s, it is unknown if May is the cemetery’s true name.
MoundHillCemeteryThumb Mound Hill Cemetery
Preble County
Mound Hill Cemetery is the largest cemetery in Preble County.
CaldwellCemeteryThumb Caldwell Cemetery
Ross County
Established in the mid-1800s, there may have been a prehistoric stone mound located nearby.
ElisabethsGraveThumb Mount Union-Pleasant Valley Cemetery EVPLogo StoryPad
Ross County
This cemetery located outside of Chillicothe is more commonly known as ELISABETH’S GRAVE.
NieszCemeteryThumb Niesz Cemetery
Stark County
Established in the 1840s, this cemetery is on the township line.
MillheimCemeteryThumb Millheim Cemetery
Summit County
Likely established in the 1840s, there are approximately 325 burials in the cemetery.
MoundCemeteryThumb Mound Cemetery StoryPad
Washington County
Established in 1801, this cemetery in Marietta has a large mound at its center.